I did a terrible job keeping up with records this week! Sorry!
For morning reading we read a chapter out of Astrophysics about dark matter. We later watched a TedEd video on it as well. The kids were fascinated and terrified (so was I) about the idea that we can only sense 5-15% of the matter in the universe. Later in the week we also read several chapters out of Little House in the Big Woods. There was a part where Pa made bullets by melting down lead, so we watched a video on how he would have done it. Also watched another nature documentary, but it didn't hold their attention.
Almost all the math this week has been Zoombinis. Even Elise is playing! I think it's especially good for Aaron because you CAN'T do it perfectly on the first shot. There are no instructions. You just have to learn through trial and error. Plus they love figuring out the patterns and logic. It's a brilliant game!
Catherine is continuing to post to social media for her writing. She is also constantly messaging her friends. For her learning journal she wrote about the science experiment she and Elise did with milk, food coloring and dish soap.
Aaron is still working on his story. I have no idea where it's going and I don't think he does either, but it's hilarious. He wrote about Zoombinis in his learning journal.
Seth spent most of his week refashioning his Boom Boom Balls game, including making new cards and clarifying the rules. For his learning journal he wrote about local scripts versus system scripts. And no, I have no idea what either of those things are. He's still struggling with Spanish conjugations. I should probably slow down and have him focus on those for awhile before we go on.
For reading Aaron is still working on Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. Catherine is reading the Book of Mormon, plus the next Percy Jackson. Seth has been reading Rascal, plus finished White Indian boy for book club.
For poetry time this week I had them watch the poem from the Presidential Inauguration. I was surprised at how well it held their attention. Next week I think I'll try to show them some of the methods she used.
We also pulled out the clay and made some stuff. Some small animals, some weapons, some random items like hats. Unfortunately Elijah got ahold of them and crushed a good chunk of them before we could fire them. Toddlers are the best.
Aaron & Catherine both had piano lessons and are doing just fine. Seth still hates playing piano and will use attitude points to get out of it. I did find him a podcast about movie soundtracks, so we're going to try that for now.
Other than that, we've spent a lot of time playing Mario Kart, Just Dance, Minecraft and Breath of the Wild. When it's 30 degrees and 20 mph winds, you just stay inside all day.
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