Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday 3-12-2021

 For math Seth did Zoombinis. Catherine cried over long division again, but is moving forward. She has started using the box method and really likes it. I do, too. Aaron wanted us to ask him questions. I asked a series of multiplication and division problems which he had no issues with. Jon asked him about fractions, and that stumped him a bit. 

It was our Fun Friday, so we headed to a new park with some friends. For art I brought yarn and popsicle sticks and the kids all made Ojos de Dios. They all seemed to really enjoy it and Catherine made several. None of my other kids made one. Seth says his art this week is designing new Minecraft characters and weapons. 

I pulled Seth, Gabe & Catherine aside to do some physics. We talked about potential vs. kinetic energy and demonstrated it using the rock wall they were climbing as well as a spinning disc they could swing from. They all seemed to grasp the concept really easily. Then I had them bend popsicle sticks and we talked about the potential energy now stored in the sticks. I made a popsicle stick weaving that we then exploded. I also taught them how to make popsicle stick bombs. Next week Jon has a more serious project for them to do together involving energy. 

I did Aaron's piano lesson with him and he did great! I also had him start using Note Rush so he can learn his notes better. 

In the afternoon they all played Minecraft together. Seth had Jack & Gabe over and they played. There was also much outside playing since it was so lovely. 

Saturday Seth went with Jon to help at the Bishop's Storehouse in Baltimore. I'm grateful he has more chances to serve now that he's getting a little older. 

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