Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tuesday 2-23-2021

 This morning was a chapter from Astrophysics for Young People, this time about spheres. We were all intrigued by the realization that gravity affects how high a planet's mountains can be. Which is why Earth can't have an Olympus Mons, and why some planets have mountains only as high as a piece of paper is thick. Lots of perler bead art was being created while we read. 

Then it was more Khan (except Seth, who went for Zoombinis). I'm really proud of how hard they are all working! I'm always debating with myself about math and the best way to teach it, but at least this way I know they are exposed to everything. They may not fully grasp it all, but that will come with time. 

We had our poetry time today. I forced them all to pick something NOT from Shel Silverstein, so they went to Jack Prelutzsky. Seth actually wrote his own set of acrostic poems about snowballs and slush. There was one line I loved: "Lingering sting."  Then they all enjoyed some creme brulee (Seth made it for FHE and we had a ton of leftovers) and played in the snow. 

In the evening we had a bit of a struggle when I finally checked Seth & Catherine's journals and found a lot of really lame entries, like 'idk'. So they got to go back and rewrite all those ones. Sigh. 

At lunch they watched a bunch of Mystery Doug. One on vaccines, one on tall buildings. Both very cool. 

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