Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Wednesday 1-20-2021

 We read two chapters out of Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry. One about cosmic microwave background, one about light. Catherine was particularly intrigued by the idea that the light we see from faraway objects is in some cases billions of years old.

For math Seth did more Khan. He's still struggling with factoring sometimes, but he's getting there! Catherine did Exploding Dots, and Aaron did Zoombinis. Catherine actually did some Zoombinis as well. Even Jon & Seth got in on it. 

Seth is almost done with the Hunger Games series. Catherine is still working on Lightning Thief and Aaron started Mrs. Piggle Wiggle. I asked him what he remembered and he said that Mrs. Piggle Wiggle has grey hair, not white. Very concrete still.

For writing, Seth worked more on his persuasive piece. Catherine posted to Instagram, and Aaron added to his story. Catherine's Instagram has been fun. I picked a bunch of accounts for her to follow (mostly science and food) and she loves to scroll through. She watched a video on some paper towel water art and spent the afternoon doing her own. She also spent the evening drawing more mermaid pictures.

We had our poetry time. The kids all picked Shel Silverstein poems. I read them some Jack Prelutzsky to expand their tastes. Seth stole the book later and was reading them all. 

Catherine had her piano lesson and is working on learning songs from Studio Ghilbli films (Timmy got her a book for Christmas). I love that she's so self-motivated. Still hates when I correct her rhythm, though. 

We all did either running or Just Dance in the afternoon for exercise. The kids also played Mario Kart with Jon in the evening while Seth had his Minecraft Deacon activity. 

Aaron is spending a lot of time doing Roblox Studio and learning to use the laptop. He wants his own laptop now. 

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