Friday, January 1, 2021

Friday January 1 2021

 Most of this past month was spent in Arizona. We did do some formal schooling (like reading Ch. 26-28 of SOTW, or doing some SolveMe math puzzles), but a lot of it was very organic. Some things we did do:

-flew on an airplane (discussed safety, why we can't bring certain things through security, what the odds of being in a plane crash vs car crash are, etc.)

-explored the desert (Saguaro National Park, Madera Canyon, Honeybee Canyon, different types of cactus, tasting cactus fruit, wild bulls, lots of Spanish names, etc.)

-fun with cousins (card games, gold panning, art creations, science kits, hiking, etc.)

-lots of reading of Elliot's graphic novels from the library

-lots of learning about COVID (safety precautions, quarantines, how it's spread, symptoms, COVID testing, etc.)

-listening to lots of audiobooks/podcasts while driving. We finished Echo, started Esperanza Rising, listened to a podcast on COVID vaccines, plus several chapters from History of the Medieval World. 

Some kid-specific things:

-Seth did a lot of work on his Roblox game and displayed his work to Uncle Aaron, who does code for a living. He also had to learn some basic things like finding his IP address so he could play Doom with his uncles and dad. Also spent some time re-reading Harry Potter.

-Catherine thrived in Arizona with Aunt Ashley. She learned to play the kalimba and picked out several songs (What Child Is This, Up On the Housetop, Avatar Theme). She even wrote down the notation. She was the biggest fan of cactus fruit hunting and was always bringing home barrel cactus or prickly pear fruit. She also had a great time creating art with Elliot and playing Guillotine with the adults. Just before we left, she tried out Brianna's rollerblades and fell in love. 

-Aaron spent most of his time with Elliot. They played a lot of made up games involving lots of stats that Aaron carefully kept track of. He taught Elliot how to play Skyjo and Krypto. 

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