Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thursday 12-3-2020

 At breakfast we read another Christmas story, this time about a woman who lost her two daughters while crossing the plains and had a hard time opening her heart to an orphan boy. 

For reading we did some more Marie Antoinette. We should finish it soon! They all really hate Madame du Berry by now. 

It was Aaron day, so we playing a Krypto-type game where we drew three cards and had to use them to add, subtract, divide or multiply to get a set number. Aaron really struggles with these types of problems. He wants it to be straightforward. I'm sure a lot of it is age, but he needs to think more flexibly with numbers. We also played Skyjo just because he loves it. 

He did really well with his Christmas song. He's going to work on memorizing it now. Still needed some more work on his other piece, so we added that back on his practice list. 

I also helped Catherine do several rounds of Khan. She's been working on multiple digit multiplication and is doing a fantastic job of it. Seth did Fogstone Isle for his math.

Aaron wrote in his learning journal about the Extra History we watched about the Articles of Confederation. He mentioned how the people refused to accept the money because the government was printing too much of it. I was surprised that he caught on to all that! Catherine wrote about Marie Antoinette. 

At lunch we watched Minute Physics about how concrete doesn't dry, plus a Mark Rober video about a bunch of really cool experiments (giant elephant toothpaste). 

Seth looked into fixing the neighbor's fence and what we would need to do. Part of his Christmas service project. I also realized he'd been lying about completing his Duolingo, typing, and writing. He had to do double the work to make up for it. He wasn't pleased, but hopefully he learns that it's easier to just do the work in the first place. 

In the evening we played Blockhead with Aaron & Elise, then Jon played Quiddler with Seth & Catherine. 

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